


Acrylic on canvas

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This canvas is a depiction of the world and the colors were chosen because of their representation. Green represents nature and purple represents luxury. I’ve observed how vastly the two themes can oppose one another, especially in our modern day. Despite their opposition they coexist within the larger picture in the context of this canvas. 

     The term luxury can have a negative connotation, but why is that? Is it because we know these objects won’t provide genuine fulfillment, or is it because we look at people who desire materialistic entities as shallow? Interpretations on this subject vary but I personally believe it doesn’t have to be so black and white. With enough empathy we can find the love and respect necessary to acknowledge and be open to opposing views.

     Devastation to our environment, like the amazon forest being ablaze, makes us realize not only how precious and delicate our natural world is, but how reliant we are on its ability to thrive and withstand our disruption and influence. We depend on the planet’s production of oxygen and vital natural resources that sustain life for humans and other life forms. Nature is representative of what is important in one’s life. To sustain Earth’s precious ecosystem, nature must be maintained and respected. The color purple represents one’s desire and what you hope to achieve. The question is how do these two themes coexist in your life? 

     Gold circles are placed in the center of this piece. The color gold represents love, compassion, and courage. The circles represent life. The gold that seeps past the boundaries of the circle, into the purple and white, reflect infinite growth.

This canvas acts as a reminder that we are complex beings and although we differ in perspective individually and socially, we can coexist in harmony through compassion and love. 


Additional information

Weight 3 lbs


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