


Acrylic on canvas



Depression affects over 18 million adults, or one in ten, in any given year. It is a reality that many individuals in our society have experienced. I’m not ashamed to say that I have been depressed during multiple periods in my life.

I believe that it is vital to consistently cultivate healthy coping mechanisms in order to manage depression. Over the years I have come to know the subtle emotions and behaviors that signal to an oncoming period of depression. A saving grace for me has been to get out of my head and into my present physical state. I’ve found that engaging my body in yoga, cycling, and various other workout activities, I’m able to escape the dark thoughts and connect with myself on a physiological level. My endorphin levels begin to rise and the natural production of dopamine carry me through an otherwise difficult and exhausting mental state.
The dark heavy shades of black represent the depths of depression. The green line represents mental health and the dashed line reflects perspective. Perspective isn’t always consistent. Practicing healthy coping skills allows us to gain more control over our mental health and general wellbeing. Through healthy coping skills we can gain more control over our mental health.



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